Saturday 18 November 2017


Retrospects from creation story,proofs from religious injunctions,had it that dichotomous went the saga-a man,his woman;the Sun,the Moon;the day,the night,an illustration not far fetched was that depiction emblazoned on a coin,indisputably,there will always be two faces to a coin,like a story,two-sided.As a student,admittance to an higher institution of learning is likened to adding a feather to one’s cap,in fact,a credible feat to record,because among peers,one toll rise,compared to soaring higher like an Eagle.Albeit,the mayhem out there,better experienced than imagined,permit me to call it an Admix.Life has really taught me that,time is nothing but the best consoler.The tidal waves in rowing en route sea,life,an attestation to one being green or experienced.Truly,dichotomous goes all life’s clarity.
The age of Methuselah they say is nothing compared to the wits of Solomon,satirically,age and experience are most times matching pair.As an undergraduate in a prestigious university in the country,the university of Ibadan,happenings on campus appear to be reputable and noteworthy memories or memoirs if not a memorabilia to the topical phrase;”the universe in the university”,in fact,a must share! Like an alien,a secondary school leaver,freshmen,like they are grossly called and fondly addressed across Nigeria institutions,looks on his first day or debut on the university soil,to his dismay-what a weird world!A thought plaguing that lily mind and like crystals,visually represented by that sheepish and ignorant look,likened to a fugitive,Zionites on the land of Babylon,permit that Biblical excerpt.The scenic atmosphere and the beauteous land in the advent of time gradually metamorphosed into a tensed world,change;swift and dynamic! Shall we then blame this fading away on environmental degradation or familiarity? Early days on campus,like toddlers and weaklings,we are still tied to our Mother’s apron,probably,through her routine check via any means humanly possible,most often,through calls and weekend visits.In the absence of this maternal care,or in the nick of time,many turn homely sick,little wonder,they say:’no place like home’,as opposed those pre-admission days when the quest and zeal to be away from home heightened.Indisputably,humans are born insatiable,like Economists opinionated.
Time,like I said earlier,is the best consoler,time,swift one,the adaptation attribute of living things comes onboard,surprisingly,one learn to do in Rome as the Romans do,not until holidays,being homesick becomes a thing of the old;behold,old things have passed away,all things have become new,to the thought,it happened in a flash,but to be feasible,it takes a longer process,the benchmark being the party involved,an extrovert or the extreme opposite.
Sequel to this,is competition,another commendable feature of living things,may I call this healthy rivalry,because both the fittest and the unfits survive here.Like a chameleon,an undergraduate vies to camouflage(nearly,if not equal to the new immediate milieu) or I probably name it countershading or disruptive colouration,like Biologists discovered.When I say competition,I mean it in all wise,be it among peers or the general public.Like litmus test,ably,an undergraduate makes non-faulty juxtapose and go for the desired vogue.Your audition,you redefine;your apparels,you make gorgeous or elegant;your actions,you make friendlier,and lots more,too much of words will not fill a bushel.University,an avenue of nearly all celebrated culture,in fact,a medium of unity in diversity.Oneness at its’ peak,before saying Jack Robinson,in the limelight,you have the new you,I humbly call this mutation from environmental pressure.
With the greater and wanton urge for those aforementioned noticeable changes,almost all Nigerian undergraduates suffer guilt in this sphere,many being swept away by the tide unexpectedly,just like rapture;soon and sudden,void of premonitions or pre-omen,volcanic eruption,I call this.What an upheaval! Regrettably,you defile those sacred vows you swore to,back at home under the umbrage and guise from parent’s tutelage,most often with that heartfelt and affectionate departing word,some,done,amidst tears of joy;”remember the son or daughter of whom you are”,goes the popular saying-What a grievous but protective haunting scene to remember.To the parents,most especially,mothers,I endear and salute how best they set our feet on the right path to tread with religious injunctions to avert premonitory peril or impending loom.The shame is those words,despite being a pivot to dangle upon,from the onset,most often finally suffer extinction,a dent on the image of that pledged allegiance,betrayal of trust in the test of time! Shall we then blame this on civilization craze or rather an act of being recalcitrant(bringing out the beast in one)? One pertinent question to ask.The most amazing is that despite the holidays at home,many parents find it difficult to peg down worrisome noticeable changes in their progeny,thus,rendering them incapable or being unfit for that task of parenthood,this,they had been best at since inception.Blame it less on them,the dexterity and smartness,or better said as the ignorance feigning power and genteel look cum religious conscientious acts, youths put into play when back home,making that venomous meal look enticing.What an overhaul,if not an hallmark of deception.Wittingly,all parents should have that insight;’schooling truly builds young minds into professional bodies,yet,it could be a haven for social vices!’
Moral decadence heightened on social media,when even Nigerian youths,most especially,the elites,are gross violators and culprits to this heinous act,in fact,casting the lead role,the Michelangelo of odd acts.The digital age euphoria through the media has been the cross every Nigerian youths bear,ranging from online illicit money making to sex scandal,cybercrime,not exempted from the pang and deathblows.The rate at which these obscene acts are going viral is alarming,like epidemic,contagious,suitably compared to the speed of a launched missile,yet,many call it empowerment,all in the name of making ends meet.Through explicit social functions and nocturnal parties on campuses,many are being thrown off-balance and offshore,in fact,many lost priceless treasure,some fell for the bait and got caught;hook,line and sinker,in that endless search and crave for socialization.Bad gang truly corrupt good manners,convincingly,they will be called a new name,which this platform will not allow me to mention or unmask.One may venture to ask;’why then the furore and uproar of catcalls many channelled to pregnancies,with the name,’unwanted’,since it is a product from that hard work? To every smoke,is always a fire,only the Biblical Mary is a novice in this wise or an ignorant of such act.
Life,I earlier said,is an admix,it solely depends on the choice you embrace.A popular axiom once said:”if you don’t know where you are going,any road will lead you there”,hitherto,the aftermath of the path one treads is unarguably the route to destiny or destruction.Truly,all roads lead to Rome.The universe,spherical,by scientific and geographical findings and mythology,the cradle of balance is when an hemisphere suffers sacrilege,the other half enjoys sacredness.Satirically,such is feasible and achievable also on a university soil.Regardless of the hash tag the morally upright ones suffer from counterparts through the faces from their assemblage milling around,to the females,sorority,the males,clan,the peak,religion fanatics or extremists,like most are fondly addressed.Lo and behold,they suffer no opposition,only intimidation,since there is the liberty,curbing and weakening any physical threats or forces to militate against such entirety.Like that saying from Globacom,your world,you rule it.Religion is belief and vice versa!
The university is unarguably the exact replica of what we have plaguing the universe in skeletal bases today,little drops of water,little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean.The cradle being,learning from imitation or initiation,little wonder,that adage argues:’show me your friend and I will tell you how you will end’.Tragically,’a dog that will lose its’ sense of omen will not heed to the hunter’s call’.With those tenets and upbringing,sieving the good from the bad is advisable.Alas,I blame it less on most undergraduates;’charity they say begins at home’,this,on occasions is wanting in some Nigerian homes.Shamefully,some homes are nothing to write about,many are wealth sickening or engrossed,so,one should not be bewildered by the products springing forth under such auspices,we all know,’to whom much is given,much is always expected’.Your home-your heritage,your identity,your birthright!
Since the primordial of existence,no creation is worthy of cheating nature,Karmic law will always haunt,an indication that what goes around,comes around,the universal law of retribution,happenings in universities are what we have across the Globe,this time,on a larger scale,using my citadel of learning as feasibility study proves what is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander.This modus operandi is undoubtedly onshore on all Nigerian higher institutions of learning soil.
As a Nigerian of the deepest dye and a patriot to the core,I am optimistic that with all the oddities I unravelled,Nigeria will some days be an Eden,with you and I,like my school’s acronymous name implies,we are in unison,the needed change agent.A wake from leader’s slumber,industrious youth minds and an eco-friendly milieu,collectively able to ignite our glowing splinter.Proudly Nigerian,African frontier; we set the pace and blaze the trail! Conclusively,as a current undergraduate in the university of Unical ,I humbly say;
Aluta continua! Victoria ascerta!

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